Harvest Season is just around the corner and if you’re practicing organic farm to table eating at home, than you’d probably benefit from having your very own organic plant bed.
Picky eaters who are adverse to green leafy vegetables are usually much more apt to try new things when they’ve watched seeds or small plants grow and then harvest the fruits and vegetables once ready to eat.
Organic Garden beds can be a great learning experience for children of all ages.
Early walkers & toddlers can assist with the planting – digging soil and mulching is a great sensory experience for children. They can help with the daily watering – get them a child sized water pail and have them sprinkle the seedlings with water each day.
Older kids can help with the planning of the garden bed. Allow them to select one or two of their favorite fruits and vegetables , this way they’ll have something they recognize and will take pride in the growth. They can also help with the harvesting and gathering the fruits/ vegetables. Allow for them to scout out recipes and basic preparations.
If gardening sounds like something you would enjoy with your children. The Little River Cooperativecan help get your started. They offer in home consultatiions to answer any of your gardening questions. They can help with the planning, installing raised beds, or provide containers for your balcony or smaller spaces.
For more information or get in touch with The Little River Cooperative, you can contact at [email protected]